Entries by Paul@contentwrite


How to Write Stunning Web Pages.

  As a passionate and dedicated business owner you could probably write loads about your company. You may create vast quantities of content that show off your various skills, qualifications and your experience. You might then go to highlight all your USP’s and your existing client base to instil confidence into your reader. Nice idea, […]


The Science Behind S.E.O.

So you’d like to rank high on Google? The good news is that this is completely possible and there are a number of affordable strategies available to you right now. I could easily fill several books outlining the wonder that is Search Engine Optimization and I’m resisting the urge to do that. Instead here is […]

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The Science Behind Blog Writing

Blog Writing has become a critical part of the marketing mix. Regular, quality blog content gives you a direct, trusted relationship with your potential clients and pushes you up the natural Google rankings. According to HubSpot: Marketers that have quality blog content receive on average 67% more leads than those who do not. LET’S LOOK […]